Establish Android Build Environment Under Fedora 27 Install required packages dnf install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf zip curl zlib-devel gcc-arm-linux-gnu gcc-c++-arm-linux-gnu ccache unzip java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel make automake autoconf python2 ncurses-compat-libs libstdc++.i686 Configure USB Access
理解构建层 先看看Android官方的解释
Understand Build Layers The build hierarchy includes the abstraction layers that correspond to the physical makeup of a device. These layers are described in the table below. Each layer relates to the one above it in a one-to-many relationship. For example, an architecture can have more than one board and each board can have more than one product. You may define an element in a given layer as a specialization of an element in the same layer, thus eliminating copying and simplifying maintenance.